Durchschnittspreis: Eier, Klasse A, groß (Kosten pro Dutzend) im US-Stadtdurchschnitt – Wir können alle gemeinsam zusehen, wie Präsident Trump den Preis senkt

Von MrDinglehut


  1. snarkerella on

    Didn’t he already say that he can’t lower prices because it’s too hard?

  2. KieferSutherland on

    Technically Biden brought down egg prices more than anyone in history. 

    I’m guessing the first spike was when they killed billions of chickens to contain those outbreaks. 

  3. veryblanduser on

    The funny thing is even without trying they will come down the first year of his presidency

  4. He’s not bringing down the price. Prices are high because of the ongoing bird flu epidemic hitting chicken farms hard. This reduces egg availability. The same thing happened in 2022.

    Typical flu vaccine manufacture also involves growing the virus in eggs for six months. So when we want to make more flu vaccine than normal because we want to account for an unusual type that might be spread, like bird flu, we need more eggs. This puts stress on the already limited supply.

  5. wheretogo_whattodo on

    Sorry bud, eggs were expensive so now we have to invade Canada

  6. perplexedparallax on

    If you think egg prices will go down with the new administration I will believe a tropical resort is being planned for Greenland.

  7. Unhappy_Poetry_8756 on

    Seems from the graph that egg prices reduced substantially during his first term, so all he needs to do is repeat that, no?

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