1. AlternativeSupport22 on

    why did they send it to journalists/reporters…like keep your mouth shut about 911 type thing? I always wondered

  2. DeadWifeHappyLife3 on

    Didn’t patriot act establish FOIA? And FOIA has gotten us all some good shit. I’ve never understood why they’d put that in there.

  3. samfishxxx on

    The anthrax attacks are initially what got me wondering about the official 9/11 story. Everything about the anthrax attacks was so convenient and, well, obvious. Yet the media breathlessly went along with it anyway. It was impossible not to ask, “what else could they be lying about?”

    I have a funny feeling that the NOLA and Cybertruck attacks came from the same people/group/organization. 

  4. Ok_Broccoli25 on

    When I was in the USMC they made us take anthrax vaccines. Those were absolutely brutal. Left me sick as a dog after each one.

  5. CorporalUnicorn on

    my unit CBIRF, responded to the buildings the letters were in and removed any and all paperwork and put it in dump trucks to be immediately incinerated for “safety”

    I mean every single fucking document and paper.. you have no idea how crazy it was

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