Hallo !

Ich habe gerade entdeckt, dass diese alte Postkarte, die ich als Leseschild verwende, in bulgarischer Sprache geschrieben ist. Ich wäre sehr dankbar, wenn es jemand übersetzen könnte 🙂



Von Nicolas7507

1 Comment

  1. Easy_Letterhead_8453 on

    So, it’s addressed to Mr. Nikolay Daskalov in Bracigovo.

    It’s sent from Varna on the 19.II. 91(?) 1891?

    “Uncle, I and mom are thanking you for the greetings from father’s letter. You’re saying that it’s very wild(as in, untamed) and empty now, but later it will be nice(бъде хубаво), until then we don’t wish for you to be there because we’re becoming sad(like we miss you) for you. Тусито(?) we butchered(?)(maybe Tusito or Gusito was an animal(pig) they slaughtered) and we know you like pork fat(сланина) and sausage and we’re sending to you. So you can see how sweet the black (something) (is ?). You have greetings from mom and dad, and from me – kisses. Fancheto(Фанчето).

    This is the best I can do. The things in brackets are my thoughts or comments.

    Edit: edited some previous unknowns.

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