Trump möchte den Namen „Golf von Mexiko“ in etwas Amerikanischeres ändern


  1. ScotTheDuck on

    My gut reaction anymore to him saying dumb shit like this is, “sure, why not?”

    If he’s going to be obsessed with shit like that, then maybe he’ll be too distracted to do any actual damage.

  2. InAllThingsBalance on

    Jesus Fucking Christ. I can’t deal with this guy’s idiocy for the next four years.

  3. SoMuchForPeace on

    Just the thing I’d hope a president would be worried about during times like these

  4. RamonaQ-JunieB on

    I was flipping channels and heard him say that CRAZY SHIT. He is certifiably nuts.

  5. His royal majesty, King Donald, also known as “the fuhrer” and “dear leader”, has proclaimed his desire so that the world can act accordingly. May he sleep in a lake of urine in the afterlife. /s

  6. Western-Knightrider on

    I hope he cleared that with president Musk before speaking out?

  7. strik3r2k8 on

    Americans: “can we have affordable healthcare and higher wages?”

    Trump: “How about we rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America!? Huh? Huh? How ‘bout it? Oh it will be so beautiful!”

  8. He can call it whatever he wants. The rest of the word will call it “The Gulf of Mexico”.

  9. Congratulations to 49% of America on voting for a mentally ill person.

  10. TJD2Design on

    Please no one tell him about El Paso, Los Angeles, San Diego or Las Vegas!

  11. etherealcaitiff on

    “I love to go fishing in the Gulf of Hulk Hogan” is a sentence that might actually make sense in a few weeks.

  12. SetterOfTrends on

    He’s a fucking rodeo clown distracting the crowd while the oligarchs and Christo fascists rob you of your money and overthrow democracy

  13. NormalService1094 on

    POV: I had to check and see if this was an Onion headline.

  14. Big_Seaworthiness440 on

    I’m already so tired. I really want to just stop paying attention.

  15. ThaddeusJP on

    He’s in the pockets of big cartography looking to sell new maps and globes

  16. This is what the media wanted. Every word will be breaking news for him.

    Meanwhile millions of people just got medical debt wiped off their credit reports. MSM can care less

  17. Gentleman_Villain on

    This is just part of flooding the zone with shit, so people cannot tell what is real.

    And it fucking sucks.

  18. Slade_Riprock on

    It’s two weeks before he even assumes the Presidency…holy fuck it’s going to be a looooong 210 weeks.

    Then again we still have time for an asteroid or Jesus or Zenu or whomever to appear it end it all.

  19. Ok_Carrot8194 on

    All these talks about obtaining more land and changing names is his attempt to make the history books look more kindly on him. Traitor

  20. And the absolute idiots in this country still think he’s going to save them. So incredibly stupid

  21. I used to follow r/Onionheadlines and I had to unfollow, because on a daily basis I had to pause and really scrutinize to tell the difference between The Onion Trump Headlines and ACTUAL Trump headlines. It was just too stressful.

  22. I’m starting to think that this guys just says stuff because his lips get bored of not moving.

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