Keine Chance, dass Kanada 51. Bundesstaat wird: Trudeau


  1. Trump was likely thinking North Puerto Rico, not a 51st state.

    I’m torn as to whether the news media should ignore Trumps more idiotic statements (as it drowns out *actual* *policy* that will have an impact), or continue reporting on them to keep us in mind of exactly how stupid he is.

  2. satanic_jesus on

    Finally a proper response. I want every party leader echoing this in the next 24 hours. I’m tired of this “joke” it’s obviously something he wants. Why else would his son be in Greenland? Those tariffs are coming and its clear now it’s part of his plan to use economic pressure to force some kind of union. Listen to what he says, not the talking heads who claim its a “negotiation.”

  3. Feedmepi314 on

    I am really glad to see this

    To all those saying “we shouldn’t respond to Trump” yes we should and we need to assert ourself

    This was a great message and I hope to see more. It was crazy seeing Ford being the one to do this

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