Warum jetzt? Was hat DARPA vor?

Von mymaria77


  1. mixfruitshake on

    They have narrowed the mind and vocabulary of youth through social media. Whatever the people speak, it would not bother the evil worshippers. Society is so much divided that people would hardly unite over anything right now.

  2. Chimetalhead92 on

    Hate Speech and misinformation are not free speech.

    You realize by dropping this he’s actually going to Trump’s side here right?

  3. Reddituserr38 on

    Do not go on facebook its a honeypot theyre looking for dissidents and building a list for all the intelligence agencies

  4. CoveredbyThorns on

    Don’t forget AI facebook profiles now!!!!!

    I think Zuckerberg really is going through a change but could also just be wabts to get in god with trump and supporters, so they can get the corporate subsidies.

  5. throwdownHippy on

    I’ve been fact checked by this guy so many times I have completely lost faith in the matrix.

    Why bother surpressing anything when you can just deploy throngs of AI powered pseudo-friends to steer the narrative.

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