Die sich entwickelnde US-Belegschaft: 75 Jahre Erwerbsbeteiligung von Männern und Frauen [oc]

Von forensiceconomics


  1. forensiceconomics on

    We examined labor force [participation ](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/seriesBeta/LNS11300001)trends in the United States spanning from 1948 to the present. Our analysis, powered by **Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)** and R programming using GGplot2, reveals:

    * A steady decline in men’s participation over the decades.
    * A sharp rise in women’s participation post-1948, peaking around the 2000s.
    * A convergence of the two rates as women increasingly entered the workforce.

    These trends illustrate how gender roles and workforce dynamics have evolved over 75 years. This chart also highlights pivotal economic periods, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly disrupted labor force participation.

    Explore more economic insights and visualizations at **rule703.com**.

  2. Very cool that the different did not budge during the pandemic discontinuity in participation

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