Nigel Farage hat seit seinem Amtsantritt im Parlament 190.000 Pfund mit dem Verkauf von „steuerfreiem“ Gold verdient

Von the-evil-bee


  1. SlyRax_1066 on

    Rich and powerful are both rich AND powerful.

    Like and subscribe for more shocking revelations! 

  2. Obviously direct bullion were targeting the most savvy of investors when they chose Nigel as their brand ambassador.

  3. 99thLuftballon on

    Wonder how much time he’s spent giving constituency surgeries?

  4. Creepy-Bell-4527 on

    Sooo selling Britannias… minted and sold at a premium by the royal mint.

  5. SpiceSnizz on

    Gold is VAT free and Gold coins (if legal tender) are VAT and capital gains free.

    Anyone can buy gold for as little as 100 pounds, putting TAX FREE in the headline is completely unnecessary and just trying to stir up a non existent story.

  6. WebDevWarrior on

    Apparently, Nigel is trying to disprove the scientific notion that pure gold cannot be easily tarnished when it comes into contact with oxygen by disrupting its molecular level on an ethical principle. **/S**

  7. avatar8900 on

    It’s only what ALLLLLLL other politicians are doing with their second, third, forth and even fifth jobs!

  8. His finances are his business. Why is this a topic worth of an article?

  9. Jammoth1993 on


    Keir Starmer is worth twice as much as Nigel, and are we forgetting all the donations he took?… Again, total non-story.

  10. CharringtonCross on

    He hasn’t just “made” £190k, he’s absolutely “trousered” it.

  11. Deep_Banana_6521 on

    corrupt, hate spewing, grifter. I don’t think any part of this man ever gave 2 shits about europe or britain at any point in his life.

    The worst thing to happen to the UK was the day he survived that plane crash.

  12. NeverGonnaGiveMewUp on

    Let me just preface this by saying I dislike Farage. In fact, I can’t stand him. If he were a flavor of crisps, he’d be “damp sock.”

    That said, MPs earning money from other sources? Absolutely not. They should focus on the job we’re already paying them for. And yes, that goes for all MPs, not just old Nige and his side hustle shenanigans.

  13. phonebather on

    Still drawing his eu pension too. Shame about the winter fuel allowance though.

  14. Will do anything for a bit of cash. Big chungus cameos tell the whole story.

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