Türkisches Kind wird in West-Thrakien von griechischen Nationalisten in die Enge getrieben


Von Kayiziran


  1. I am an Alevi Bektashi Turcoman from Eastern Anatolia, I am a Kemalist and I refuse to carry the burdens of the Ottoman Empire, but I allways state one thing: No matter the religion or mazhap, no matter their origins, as the Turkish Republic and as a nation we need to protect every Turk, Bosniak, Albanian, Gypsy, Pomak or Circassian living in the Balkans. No matter Greece, Bulgaria or Serbia. Those who try to hurt them must face us and we must be prepared to use our iron fists to protect them if necessary just like we did in Cyprus.

  2. How can we verify the kid is Turkish and the guy is actually being hostile/racist? It’s always good to be careful with these kinds of posts. Do we have access to the perpetrator’s account and identity?

  3. General_Pumpkin6558 on

    Kıbrıs harekatına işgal diyenler bir düşünsün bence.

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