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I’ve never seen fact-checking on Facebook, so….
Corpo – faschism being enacted as we live. We need government oversight over social media not a laissez-faire attitude but greed and power is winning out.
The next 20 years are either going to be amazing, or absolutely horrific and I don’t even know what we can do about it.
We live in a hilarious timeline where I truly feel like we’re going down the path of idiocracy being a real thing. We have high elected officials and now a dude who is overseeing our health at a federal level be an anti vaxxer, we have people in the White House who do not believe in climate change. Meta which owns two of the biggest social media sites in the West are now disabling fact checking so disinformation can just run rampant on their platform so actual real news gets buried. Twitter the other gigantic platform is ran by a dude who just admitted he owns fake accounts and interacts with them and he has Neo nazi’s run twitter spaces consistently on his platform. We are living in some scary ass times bruh. My favorite thing as well is that he’s like we’re getting back to our roots. So allowing blatant disinformation on a social square is freedom of expression?
I don’t get why people are against community notes? They’re added by individuals, and are backed by links to other news sources.
Get prepared for our American Putin dictatorship
So fact checking was necessary during a democratic administration but not a republican one. If there ever is another democratic administration, I bet they’ll change their mind.
But since this shit is becoming the norm, that may never happen again.
There are facts on FB? Last time I looked it was wall-to-wall AI slop.
The world has entered the disinformation era
Current age: dark
Imagine being against fact checking.
Imagine being so stupid you think fact checking limits freedom of speech.
‘These corporations keep saying stuff I know is wrong is wrong?!’
FB used to be fun and a nice way to see what others in your circle were doing and to share your life with your own circle. Now its nothing but tightly-wound silos and where you can spread bullshit freely. I hate what they did to it and I miss what it was.
Meta was the OG of fake news peddling and Zuck, for as smart as he is, [had the gall to say](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/sep/27/mark-zuckerberg-facebook-2016-election-fake-news) fake news on Facebook didn’t help change the mind of voters before the 2016 election.
I can’t think of a single social media platform that doesn’t thrive on the dissemination of fake news, and the only way to fix it would be to hold them directly responsible for the content on their site. That ruling would for sure go to the Supreme Court and I don’t see how it would pass with the 1st Amendment.
Time to delete facebook too. ✅
BlueSky anyone??
Ever get the feeling that technology isn’t going to save our democracy?
“Less prone to bias”. So truth is bias? WTF. We need to stop accepting opinion as fact and truth being subjective. JFC
Ok, it’s real simple y’all. Stop using it. Stop using Twitter. Stop using Facebook. Seriously. Just stop. These ceos will go away if ppl stop buying their product.
Someone is trying to stay on Trump’s good side
It’s time to just bail on all social media. Its all just social engineering
Good thing Facebook has reduced itself to the classified ads for me. It’s a glorified Craigslist for sale section from my POV.
And Dana White has joined the board….
Only use facebook for marketplace anyways. 99% of it now is spam and garbage. Pretty much look at facebook as the new criagslist.
First, if you haven’t deleted your FB account then WTF are you even doing?
Second, welcome to your dystopian American nightmare. The billionaire oligarchs have taken control and it will require nothing short of a revolution to overthrow them.
Great… Boomers on the internet, in a cesspool… Now without fact checking. There’s no way this ends poorly! /s
What a Zucking coward….
They had fact checking?
Tbh I think this is the right play for Facebook think about it for a moment.
Anybody who’s under the age of 50 doesn’t use the platform as a 34 year old if it wasn’t for messenger id also delete my account.
That leaves the 50+ crowd who primarily use Facebook to consume AI slop and far right Russian troll propoganda.
Why would they keep fact checking in when it’s literally getting in the way of the primary reason people use the platform.
This is just business sense from Zuck tbh.
Just stop using Facebook and Instagram. It’s so easy and you will never regret it.
Republicans are bad people.
Hopefully the EU will sue them. Ironic that the EU is the only protection Americans have anymore.
They are saying that 1 billion people attended the inauguration…
Believe this belongs here..great quote from Carl Sagan
“I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness…”
What the hell has happened to our country in the last 10 years? Are we just speed running to see how quickly we can ruin our country? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!
Why has this country decided that the best thing for us is to go back to the robber-baron gilded age?
I am so sick and tired of this tech-bro, shareholder style economy where normal people who just want to live their lives are consistently screwed over. It doesn’t have to be this way! Every decision we and our government make is a policy decision and policy can be easily changed to sway this country back to the side of the common people!!
Zuck Fuckerberg