Garland wird aufgefordert, „jeden Funken Rückgrat zu zeigen“ und den Jack-Smith-Bericht über Trump zu veröffentlichen | „Das ist seine letzte Chance, etwas richtig zu machen“, sagte ein Aktivist.


  1. We’ve seen this show before and it fucking sucks. Don’t get your hopes up.

  2. frankdrachman on

    What a horrible choice for AG this guy turned out to be. Biden completely dropped the ball here.

  3. Shaggy2772 on

    This is not a book where characters evolve over time. This is a sitcom, where no matter what happens, you get the same clowns every Thursday.

  4. bmwlocoAirCooled on

    Garland, get a back bone and release the report.

    The truth will set you free.

  5. mister_buddha on

    Why would a lifelong Republican do something that would harm his party? What was Reagan’s 11th commandant again?

  6. wearyKEKA26 on

    Oh, please, we all know that Garland has and is in cheeto’s pocket. He Is his loyal puppy.

  7. crsadlerpsk on

    Doesn’t matter anymore. It could get released and the people who aren’t brainwashed already knew, and the trump supporters will just say it’s fake news. It’s over, democracy is dead and there’s no coming back now. i don’t understand why people don’t get this

  8. gentleman_bronco on

    Garland will *always* find a way to let America down. Joe Biden brought forth the most fundamentally bad administration by handing out participation trophies for every office in his authority. For Mitch McConnell to screw Merrick Garland out of a supreme court justice position, he was given AG and did *nothing* at all. He slow-walked every piece of evidence to treason that was gifted to him via the internet, and live television. We all watched Jan6 play out and he did *nothing* to bring justice to the leadership of that insurrection.

    And it’s all Joe Biden’s fault.

    It’s Biden’s fault for not dropping out of the campaign half way through his presidency to allow for an actual primary. It’s Biden’s fault we are here now. At this point, I don’t even blame the traitors. I will always disdain them, but I can’t blame them for where we are today. It’s all Biden’s fault for what is about to happen.

  9. All of the information on the cases against trump must be released before trump is sworn in or it’ll disappear down the toilets and I don’t want my tax dollars paying for plumbers to unclog toilets

  10. Crafty_GolfDude_72 on

    I will never give another penny to any democratic candidate or organization if this gets buried for the rest of time.

  11. formerfawn on

    I could not agree w/ this headline more. It is INSANE that this is even a question.

  12. RiggityRyGuy on

    Why pretend like he’s going to do anything? He got appointed and paid for 4 years to do absolutely nothing and help Trump win. You want an example of why people don’t trust democrats? This man’s appointment was as good of example as any. And this was after he was a Supreme Court candidate imagine if he actually got appointed lmao 

  13. Efficient_Career_158 on

    He already showed his spine. He resisted the urge to investigate or charge any high ranking Republican collaborator, despite their clear criminal conspiracy.

    What more do you want from a Republican stooge?

  14. Striking_Green7600 on

    He won’t do it. He was the wrong guy for the job. The staffer who brought up his name during the transition should be doing nothing but reading water quality reports from North Dakota for the rest of their career.

  15. But what comes from the report? Serious question. As much as I want some kind of justice for the Orange shitstain, the only thing I see from this report being released is more evidence being thrown in our faces that rich people can get away with crimes.

  16. AccountNumber478 on

    Once eagerly anticipated as a paladin of justice, nowadays Trump and fiends’ *pal*.

  17. lillilllillil on

    What exactly will releasing it change? The rich are already throwing money at trump? Will Apple ask for their millions back knowing trump said the n word?

  18. thecrosberry on

    Nobody has ever made money betting on the courage of a republican

  19. Cheesy_Pita_Parker on

    The man’s been a swamp creature sitting in plain sight and people expect him to go against his party now? Fuckouttahere

  20. BurntFries on

    I can already hear the excuse: ‘We need to let it go and move forward as a country. Sharing the report would only deepen the divide.’

  21. RatherBeHomesick on

    Why are we mad that this guy got snubbed from being a Supreme Court justice? It sounds like he would’ve been useless there, too. He’s been practically invisible, this whole time.

  22. ArmadilIoExpress on

    Don’t hold your breath. There’s a lot of people complicit in the state of things that you might not expect.

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