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It’s the year 2720 and our world is unrecognisable. Wars over resources have come and gone and humankind has ventured into the heavens, to Mars and beyond. Back on Earth, however, in Japan centuries of population decline has resulted in a singular event: there is only one child left.
Far from the dystopian imaginings of a science fiction film, Hiroshi Yoshida, a professor at Tohoku University’s Research Centre for Aged Economy and Society, says Japan is steadily heading towards a scenario where, in 695 years, only one child under the age of 14 will remain. Yoshida, who has been running demographic simulations since 2012, warns that his country may one day become “extinct”.
Read the full article: [https://www.thetimes.com/world/asia/article/japan-accelerating-towards-extinction-birthrate-expert-warns-g69gs8wr6?shareToken=1775e84515df85acf583b10010a7d4ba](https://www.thetimes.com/world/asia/article/japan-accelerating-towards-extinction-birthrate-expert-warns-g69gs8wr6?shareToken=1775e84515df85acf583b10010a7d4ba)
Yes the population is decline (things are too expensive, horrible work culture etc
.) But it will never make the country extinct??? I find this completely ridiculous.
If in 600 years they didn’t resolve the housing and labor issues, they (and by extension, us), deserve the extinction.
>123M people
>accelerating towards extinction
Pick one
As the population shrinks, fewer workers will have to carry the growing burden of supporting the elderly. They will need to give up more and more of what they produce to care for the older generation, leaving less for themselves. This lack of resources, combined with a grim view of the future, makes it harder and less appealing to have children, creating a vicious cycle.
Guess I’ll tell duolingo to quit reminding me about my Japanese streak
Oh my God this is such a stupid statement.
*Every* single industrial nation has a fertility rate below replacement.
In comparison to a lot of other industrial nations, e.g. compared to Europe, the rate in Japan isn’t that low. They actually had quite a lot of success with the “Angel” programs
Japan’s been populated for thousands of years but there will literally only be one child left at some point? Sounds like bs to me.
Will population decrease? Probably. But will there be one lone under the age of 18 on the island? Nope
No point in having children when the future is bleak for them.
I think Japan will be fine with a smaller more sustainable population
They need me. I can save them. Time to change my username once and for all!
Have corporate profits also exploded in Japan as they have here in the west?
I had no idea such job as a “birthrate expert” exists! You don’t really need to be an expert to look at the number of humans born in 2023 vs the numbers of humans that died.
Declining population will mitigate the loss in jobs that will result from AI and robotics.
Can we stop using clickbaity expressions, such as extinction, in titles??
Population projections like this assume a linear continuation of current demographic trends. I don’t know when or how but these trends will eventually change. Japan is shrinking fast but it won’t just disappear.
Canada has a bunch of immigrants kicking around that will need a new home
Maybe we can do a captive breeding program to save them from extinction, and then reintroduce them into the wild.
I just picture the last Japanese person turning off the lights before leaving. This is the dumbest headline I’ve ever read. Once this capitalist society collapses and we go back to living in villages, people will be happier. The billionaire class needs to end for us to progress.
As long as they keep their traditions until the last standing man
Japanese leadership has to change the work culture, treatment of women/mothers, as well as affect the cost of living which they don’t seem motivated to do. So it is what it is. Sometimes things need to get worse before they get better.
Let me guess, they should import people to make up for the birthrate 🙄
Oh ffs I think they’ll be fine. We’ve got what….8 billion people on this planet? I think billionaires are freaking out because they’re afraid they won’t have enough poor people to spread across the floor & walk on.
These statistics are all over the planet. I recently read a similar headline about China and a few other countries. [https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2024/09/picture-this-demographic-decline-andrew-stanley](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2024/09/picture-this-demographic-decline-andrew-stanley)
I’d marry any of the JAV models if they want, and can take multiple wives at that. I also love manga.
I’ll move to Japan with my family. Perfect timing. The US is nuts rn.
If the older generation actually tried to adjust to the new world, this wouldn’t have to happen. Instead, they just make lives more difficult for the average Japanese young person.
This is such nonsense. I mean there are almost THREE TIMES the people today than there were in 1960. So if the population reduced by a full two-thirds we’d be back at 1960’s levels. Not exactly extinction huh.
You mean Japan needs a population boom? So lots of space cowboys doing the deed??
“Japan accelerates towards a sustainable population.”
Well, duh. Infinite growth isn’t sustainable. Population shrinking until life becomes bearable again is healthy. Once people are capable of living decently again, they will go back to making babies.
This is good for the population and nature.
Why? Because business and government have to rethink the whole “endless growth” concept and start to manage what they have and plan ahead.
Yes I know, this is an utopian idea and they will rather import/immigrate more resources/people.
In the end: Fuck(or lack of it) around = find out