Ich habe über die Strafe gelesen und darüber, wann Sie sie bekommen würden, also keine Fragen. Ich bin allerdings neugierig: Sind diese Fallen mobil oder stationär? Außerdem sieht man auf diesem Bild mehrere Autos, die scheinbar nicht „genügend“ Abstand halten. Guten Tag für das Bundesland?


Von Thijs98


  1. Mostly Mobile

    Others Not having safety distance is irrelevant here. They Probably got a fine too. Good day for the Bundesland indeed, finally a few tailgaters got caught and will recieve a fine

  2. They are always at the same spots (that why there are those white marks orthogonal to the road markings, they used to calibrate the equipment) but not always active as they have to be manned by police/enforcement officers who have to process the video stream (this is not allowed to be done automatically in contrast to a simple speed trap).

    You can be certain that everyone not keeping the distance got a ticket.

  3. Crimie1337 on

    You can tell by the white lines on the left lane. The camera itself is mobile tho.

  4. dicke_radieschen on

    Trucks also are beeing controlled with a drone in the Air, measuring the distances.

  5. They require the markings on the road as reference, so always in the same spots.

    On the side – 27m Front-Front with ~120 km/h – that’s less than a second distance…

  6. ZeuxisOfHerakleia on

    they should put them up every km on every highway and fine everyone accordingly and automatically. hate these people sitting in my trunk at over 120 kmh endangering everyone. also not surprised the license plate is yellow

  7. Joejoe_Mojo on

    Mostly mobile but they have their favorite spots.

    I would say that I generally leave way more space to the cars in front of me than the average driver and I got fined. People will downvote me to hell but in my opinion it is impossible to drive if you use the general rule of half of the speed meter in m because people will just pull out in front of you all the time. So you either brake constantly or still get fined because drivers pulling onto the second lane don’t care about incoming cars.

    The fines are also very tough compared to other misdemeanors but probably justified since more than 80 % of crasher are due to insufficient distance. It’s just not compatible with the average driving style on the German Autobahn and they could probably fine 99 % of the cars.

  8. Didn’t even know this was a thing. Curious.

    What happens when the person in front of you breaks and the distance is reduced?

  9. thanks for sharing!

    Not clear from picture, by what distance did you tailgate and how much is allowed?

  10. Grothgerek on

    I always keep my distance… Which is why I’m not sure if I like this or not.
    Because people suddenly braking or getting slower can always happen.

    There isn’t really a way to proof this. So either innocent people are fucked, or the ones that should get punished can just claim they are innocent. It’s a loose-loose.

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