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I’m sick of hearing how good the economy is when people can’t afford rent or home ownership because the price of everything we need to survive has grown several times faster than wages. Trump is an evil shithead, but a broken clock is right twice daily. The economy is great for people like him, sucks for the 99%.
Is this satire?
Not really….he deserves credit…but to claim “one of the best” is a bit culty.
No new deal…no national healthcare…little student loan relief… he also stepped on and ended railroad strike but didn’t help the strikers….he also completely failed the debate…also no legislation on stock buybacks or elected officials insider stock trading
I guess my definition of success is different
Negative. He failed to do what everyone who elected him expected.
1. Jail Trump and ringleaders of Jan 6 – X
2. Legalize Cannabis – X
3. Address right wing Maga Terrorism – X
4. Fix the housing crisis with meaningful regulations – X
5. Fix the wage issue by increasing federal min wage – X
6. Address immigration by going after those who hire illegals – X
Failed presidency by any measure, unless you’re rich, stock markets been great for the wealthy and no new taxes.
I think ten years later or after when he passed on, a lot more people will remember him for the accomplishments he did. Right now there’s too much anger, frustration from the voters and too much misinformation and political rhetoric from the right wing nuts.
I’m not glazing Biden but I’m gonna copy my comment to ask the entire thread
The qualifications are “one of the best” and “of our lifetime”
Let’s assume everyone in this thread is under the age of 55
Now if Biden isn’t “ONE OF” the best “OF OUR LIFETIME” who is?
The bar is very low
I agree with what you’re saying but also
“In our time” does a lot of the work here.
I would say this is true of anyone born post Reagan but only because the bar is hellishly low
Like Reagan was a goblin, George 1 was almost as bad as Reagan, Clinton was looked upon favorably at the time but basically everything he’s done has aged poorly, bush 2 is remembered mostly for lying about WMDs getting us into a very unpopular war and for being a simpleton. Trump is trump.
Ultimately the only clear answer for who a better president was is Obama who is remembered fondly but did little outside of the ACA
It doesn’t feel good to say Biden was one of the best of our lifetime but genuinely if it’s not him or Obama who would it be and why?
The bar should not by any stretch be this low but it is.
Does any president post Reagan meet any of the standards you set?
Reagan was 45 years ago, that’s most people’s lifetime
whatever… not having a primary delivered trump on a silver platter
This is true of you remember two key fact. He never had a congress willing to implement his agenda. In fact, all of his key campaign proposals got blocked by two turncoat democrats.
And also, how bad most of the presidents since Carter have been.
Still, we saw amazing accomplishments in green energy, labor rights, consumer protection, us manufacturing investment, controlling healthcare costs for seniors, and more.
The really sad part is that because of Congress being so uncooperative much of this will be quickly reversed.
This post is comical and emblematic of the delusions this sub peddles to itself
Biden (and especially those around him guilty of elder abuse) will be judged harshly. He’ll be right down there with Andrew Johnson and Carter
And none of it fucking matters because he let his ego win out and didn’t give us the opportunity to choose a candidate with a chance of winning. Nearly every good thing will be rolled back or completely erased. No. He deserves no fucking credit. He would, he’s been decent, but he chose himself and his pride over the country when he chose to seek reelection when it was obvious to him and to everyone around him he didnt have anything left in the tank. Fuck him and every sycophant that spent 2024 gaslighting us that he was fit to serve 4 more years. Fuck these give Joe Biden credit posts too. We’re sliding into Oligarchy and his unwillingness to give up power accelerated the slide to a full on nosedive. Just like RGB his legacy is forever tarnished by selfishness and just like with RGB we’re all going to be paying for his selfishness for years to come.
I’m a Democrat and please tell me exactly what he did.
Because the answer is nothing.
Even with the bar set low, I just can’t go along with this assessment. His unwavering support for Israel’s offensive war and the fact that he should never have been president at his age and he couldn’t recognize that fact means that no, whatever good he did is so overshadowed by those two facts that I can’t get over it. Kind of like how people can list off some of the good things Nixon did in office, but then you remember Watergate and realize that no, he wasn’t a good president because the corruption just kind of erases everything else.
If I had to chose, I might say Clinton. Remember what you said about the bar being low? I know his time in office didn’t age that well, but at the time he seemed to be doing a good job. I might have said Obama, but I was really disappointed in the drone war and al-Alwaki.
Geezer pushed genocide on our dime and refused to twist arms for the GND. But you enjoy your fantasy.
Literally what are you talking about bro lmao
Personally, the idea of a politician who won’t follow through when he says the opponent is a genuine threat to our democracy is one of a feckless and inept manipulator rather than some sort of hero, especially when the opponent in question has demonstrated the truth of the accusation through word and deed, FAR IN ADVANCE of their resumption of power.
No he doesn’t deserve anything. He could have fired Merrick Garland when he had the chance.
He didn’t stop a fascist takeover…
“Nothing will fundamentally change.”
In an era where the working class is screaming for change, he was a business as usual president. He will go down in history as one of the worst presidents in America’s history.
Biden is the reason we didn’t get a primary.
Did he do some good things? Yes.
Did he stop facism? No.
You be the judge.
He rolled over like a dog to Trump and has let his AG be a complete pussy.
Not really.
How about no.
I will not. Advocating for the assassination of a sovereign leader, yes I know Saddam was a dictator. Then encouraging and continuing the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan that left the middle east worse off. Zero accountability towards Israels conduct of the Gaza & West Bank incursions. I will not give that man his “due respect”. Hiring a wimp like Merrick Garland.
I like a lot of what he did but history is going to primarily see him for his failure to stop Trump during a pivotal point in American history.
I think the chasm between some of Biden’s domestic policy wins and his objectively horrible foreign policy is the starkest many of us will see. Some of his domestic policies were truly some of the most liberal we’ve seen in decades. The problem is his administration was terrible at messaging. He also oversaw a government-wide refusal to hold Trump accountable for anything, let alone the J6 insurrection, which led to Trump being re-elected.