Die Premierministerin von Alberta, Danielle Smith, fordert schnelle Neuwahlen, nachdem Trudeau seinen Rücktritt angekündigt hat



  1. She must have been furious when the previous government prorogued parliament twice.

  2. Aromatic-Deer3886 on

    Conservatives whining as usual, nothing is ever good enough for them

  3. Chemical_Signal2753 on

    I’m not a fan of proroguing  parlement as a means of avoiding an election. I thought it was bad when Harper did it and it is just as bad as today. When you have a minority government an election should be called when they no longer have the confidence of the people, not when it is convenient for the governing party.

    While I don’t think Trump’s inauguration is necessarily a drop dead date for the country, we are at a very tumultuous time in the world and it would be foolish to be without leadership at this moment in time. 

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