Den jüngsten Umfragen zufolge würde Grönland nun für den EU-Beitritt stimmen. Vor ein paar Jahren waren es noch 40 %

Von EUstrongerthanUS


  1. LittleSchwein1234 on

    Interesting to see such a drastic change in popular opinion in such a short time.

  2. Necessary_Doubt_9058 on

    But will it vote? Any referendums in sight other than the independence one?

  3. XenophonSoulis on

    So Greenland just discovered why leaving the EU was a terrible idea in the first place…

  4. No_Regular_Klutzy on

    It has never stopped confusing me that Greenland, even though it is part of Denmark, has enough autonomy to decide its own international agreements.

    That said, I definitely dont want Greenland as a single entity within the EU, either it would be with Denmark or it wouldn’t be.

  5. Ignorancia on

    Curious to see how Spain an other countries with separatist regions would respond to such a vote.

  6. Would love to see this happen. An Independent Greenland with good relations to the Nordics and part of the EU ❤️

  7. Funny how Putting and Trump wanting to invade a country backfires motivating them and their neighbors into joining EU and NATO.

  8. EUstrongerthanUS on

    Two weeks ago Iceland also announced it will hold a referendum to join the EU. The recent election was a victory for pro-European parties and was already essentially a referendum.

  9. Worth to mention is that Greenland is already part of the EU’s OCT (overseas countries and territories). Among other things that means all Greenlanders are already EU-citizens with all the perks like being able to move to and work/study in the EU.

  10. total aside but I absolutely love Greenland’s flag 🇬🇱🇬🇱🇬🇱

  11. Meanwhile a politician in Greenland cancelled his meeting with the Danish King so that he could go bootlick junior Trump.

  12. Greenland will be the EU’s Alaska! and its bigger! Take that, America

  13. Material-Spell-1201 on

    Not surprising since the man soon to be in the White House wants to conquer them

  14. Better_than_GOT_S8 on

    I know Greenland is sparsely populated but they could’ve asked more than 5 people.

    (Just kidding for the record)

  15. Just like ‘Make XYZ great again”, Greenlandic independence was/is a dream based on a naïve hope that your reality will somehow magically improve just by choosing something different. And the ‘oppressor’ can never reason or argue against such a dream.

    Given the history of the UK’s cultural approach to the EU, Brexit was inevitable. It was a step they had to take to wake up. The difference is that if Greenland becomes part of the US (actual independence is impossible for a country of 57,000 people), there is no going back. Ever.

  16. This would be a great example of why population density is a useless metric.

    EU now: 106 people per square km

    EU if Greenland joined: 70 people per square km.

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