Laut Studie wurden mehr Brustkrebsfälle gefunden, wenn KI bei Vorsorgeuntersuchungen eingesetzt wurde | Der erste Praxistest ergab, dass der Ansatz eine höhere Erkennungsrate aufweist, ohne dass es zu einer höheren Rate falsch positiver Ergebnisse kommt
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From the article: The use of artificial intelligence in breast cancer screening increases the chance of the disease being detected, researchers have found, in what they say is the first real-world test of the approach.
Numerous studies have suggested AI could help medical professionals spot cancer, whether it is identifying abnormal growths in CT scans or signs of breast cancer in mammograms.
However, many studies are retrospective – meaning AI is not involved at the outset – while trials taking the opposite approach often have small sample sizes. Important, larger studies do not necessarily reflect real-world use.
Now researchers say they have tested AI in a nationwide screening programme for the first time, revealing it offers benefits in a real-world setting.
Overall, 2,881 of the women in the study, which is published in the journal [Nature Medicine](, were diagnosed with breast cancer. The detection rate was 6.7% higher in the AI group. However, after taking into account factors such as age of the women and the radiologists involved, the researchers found this difference increased, with the rate 17.6% higher for the AI group at 6.70 per 1,000 women compared with 5.70 per 1,000 women for the standard group. In other words, one additional case of cancer was spotted per 1,000 women screened when AI was used.
Crucially, the team said the rate at which women were recalled for further investigation as a result of a suspicious scan was approximately the same.
“In our study, we had a higher detection rate without having a higher rate of false positives,” said Katalinic. “This is a better result, with the same harm.”
The team said the tool’s “safety net” was triggered 3,959 times in the AI group, and led to 204 breast cancer diagnoses. By contrast, 20 breast cancer diagnoses in the AI group would have been missed had clinicians not examined the scans deemed “normal” by AI.