Hey, auf dem Dokument steht, dass es am 29.12. verschickt wurde, aber ich habe dieses Dokument am 04.01. erhalten. Ist es dafür nicht zu spät? Soll ich ihn kontaktieren und sagen, dass es jetzt zu spät ist, das zu bezahlen? Außerdem musste ich letztes Jahr fast 300 Euro extra zahlen und dieses Jahr noch einmal 337. Ist das normal, jedes Jahr extra zu zahlen? Nur zu Ihrer Information, ich zahle monatlich 380 Euro, wenn das wichtig ist


    Von dniex


    1. You got it by mail? You checked your postbox on 31th of December? Then it looks like it was too late and you don’t need to pay. Just one warning though: How is your relation with your landlord in general? If he/she/it gets “angry” because of this they could e.g. raise your rent or do other things like that. So it depends a bit what you can do/should do.

    2. Actual-Garbage2562 on

      If you want to go that route I suggest doing it together with a lawyer. Because your landlord isn‘t going to be like „oh yeah, no worries haha“ if you tell him you‘re not paying because it arrived one day late. 

      You need to check the bills to see if the increase is justified or not. But energy prices went up pretty significantly in 2023, most people I know got a significant increase that year, me included. 

    3. $337 is less than $30 a month, and given the realities of 2023 it seems reasonable. The landlord is looking to increase the Nebenzahlung by $20, so it also looks a reasonable way to avoid this in the next Abrechnung

      regarding the cutoff date, well…yes, you could fight it I guess. Will it be worth it though?

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