Sind sie überhaupt Menschen?

Von Artillery_BlazeTTV


  1. ReverendEdgelord on

    Who cares? Will there be some benefit to us if you become upset and emotional about it?

  2. HistoriaArmenorum on

    >love xaçmaz

    Khatchmaz in vardashen was an armeno-udi village that was forced to convert to Islam and was turkified in the 1700s.

    Khatchmaz district in in quba khatchmaz also was inhabited by the Armeno-tat Silvii who were also pressured to islamize mostly.

  3. SavingsTraditional95 on

    “reeeeeee ermeni do the same remember 3000 gorillion years of occupation 60000bazillion killed in azeri genocide”
    They would probably write something like this

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