Ab sofort wird beim Wiegen von Obst und Gemüse auch die Wahl der Verpackung abgefragt. Was steckt hinter dieser Änderung?


Von BezugssystemCH1903


  1. BezugssystemCH1903 on

    ^Skipped ^the ^first ^part ^of ^the ^useless ^nonsense ^title


    >Anyone who buys their fruit and vegetables in the supermarket will be familiar with the process: select, place on the scales, look for the product on the display, print out the price label and head to the checkout. This familiar process is now one step more complicated: from now on, when weighing fruit and vegetables, you must also indicate whether they are unpackaged, in a plastic bag, paper bag or in a cloth multi-bag.

    >The reason for this additional step is a change in the Federal Ordinance on Quantities. From 6 January, Swiss retailers will only be allowed to charge their customers for the net weight without packaging. Previously, the weight of the packaging – provided it was less than two grams – was allowed to be included in the net weight.

    >Migros and Coop have already converted their scales. An additional prompt now appears after each weighing. However, the new regulation also applies to Aldi and Lidl, where the staff at the checkout weigh the fruit and vegetables.

    >It remains to be seen whether this change will provide more transparency for consumers as intended. For many, the additional click is likely to seem rather annoying at first – especially if the choice of packaging has no noticeable impact on the price. In our test, the difference between “unpackaged” and “disposable bag” was just 4 grams.

  2. shepherdoftheforesst on

    Ah I was wondering about that

    I weighed some bananas yesterday in Migros and it came out to the same price whatever I selected (no bag, plastic bag and net bag I think)

    This is going to hopefully lead to getting rid of the plastic bags if supermarkets aren’t allowed to charge for them

  3. >Swiss retailers will only be allowed to charge their customers for the net weight without packaging. Previously, the weight of the packaging – provided it was less than two grams – was allowed to be included in the net weight. 

    I’d happily pay for the 2g in order to avoid an extra click in the process though… This sounds like the kind of middle annoyance my life could go without

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