Melania Trump „freut sich, Elon Musk als „Babysitter“ für Donald Trump zu haben


  1. RonnyJingoist on

    What an empty, loveless, hollow, and meaningless life Trump must have. The simple fact that he hasn’t already taken his own life is a stunning testament to the power of his desire to punish the world for his misery. The man runs on nothing but universal malice.

  2. Leon can babysit Trump while she goes out with Trudeau (I hear his schedule has freed up).

  3. Appropriate-Sort-202 on

    This is going to go OH SO WELL for that Orange Turd’s tiny penis ego.

  4. I would guess she is. Isn’t that part of the presidents job. Look after the vice president.

  5. And Elmo can use the leftovers from the orange man-child’s diaper as fuel for the CyberTank.

  6. vandalhearts123 on

    She wants a pedophile want-to-be babysit a pedophile. Let that sink in.

  7. invalidpassword on

    No amount of babysitting will keep Trump from making a fool of himself and by association, making a fool of our entire country. I wouldn’t be surprised if immigrants — who aren’t Hispanic — start leaving for their home countries in droves. I mean, who would want to live here unless they absolutely have to? We’re the joke of the world.

  8. HoneyBadger552 on

    Look lady. Keep elmo around till my stocks in tsla reach a level i can sell and retire at. Thanks. Signed a peasant

  9. JacquoRock on

    Boy, she’s got the whole lizard look **perfected** these days, huh?

  10. Listening_Heads on

    I have to ask: who are these articles for? This is tabloid level stuff. The mods need to do better at deleting karma farming junk like this.

  11. BrotherJombert on

    “Hey, the less time I have to spend with him, right?” – MT

  12. HAMURAIX117 on

    Oh they gotta be boinking it out behind his back, or maybe even in front of him. Trump the Cuck.

  13. 343GuiltyySpark on

    She herself doesn’t say one time that elons his baby sitter. How is this journalism?

  14. I wonder if all of musks recent showboating and outrageous posts have been some sort of attempt to show off in front of her 😂

  15. RyNysDad0722 on

    He fucked her.. still might be.. she needs a new money man when Mango Mussolini finally grants my wish and dies already..

    Edit: It should read “our wish” cause I bet she and JD are both wishing for the same thing..

  16. What a fucking joke. This isn’t news. Do t read this kind of crap. Don’t click on it either.

  17. jus-sum-randumb-guy on

    So my new favorite talking points are Musk is the POTUS and he’s banging Melania. 😆

  18. DolphinSmash on

    The more time Musk spends with him, the less she has to be around him.

  19. Translation: *”Whatever. Just keep him the fuck away from me.”*

  20. MasChingonNoHay on

    the wife of the President of the United States said he President needs a babysitter.

    Can you imagine this being said 15 years ago? Society has become classless and stupid. The US is in Jerry Springer’s world.

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