Attaché des norwegischen Verteidigungsministeriums in Kiew: Die Ukraine erhält nicht das, was sie braucht, um den Krieg zu gewinnen. Der Westen muss seine eigenen „roten Linien“ gegenüber Russland festlegen.
i want to be very blunt here if by ” win the war ” you mean completely drive Russia out of pre 2014 Borders
NATO will need to land troops in Ukraine at least 1 million if not 2 million anything short in this is just dragging out the war in the hope Russia will get bored and F*** off which is a very dangerous strategy because yes maybe that can work but if it doesn’t work Russia eventually even if it’s after 10+ years will sweep through the entire country and there won’t be a Ukraine left regardless who is winning or losing the war Russia has FAR more bodies they can throw into the meat grinder they have far more they can sacrifice then Ukraine espicaly men
I’m glad that at least one country *only* took 10 years to realise that. Let’s hope they actually do something about it and maybe other countries will follow suite, hopefully this year…