Ein Foto des Dolmetschers, mit dem mein Großvater im Koreakrieg gedient hat. Ich glaube, sein Name ist Rei. Ist das eine Adresse auf der Rückseite des Fotos? (weitere Infos in den Kommentaren)



  1. LTsidewalk on

    My grandfather was a US Navy Corpsman in the Korean war and I have been digitizing his photos from his military service. In another photo this man’s is spelled RHEA. He was serving in the area of “Operation Punchbowl” on Hill #749 and Hill #1052.

    I wish i had a better scan of the reverse but the photo is only about 2 inches, I see some faded characters on the top row and but no other information or context to share sadly.

  2. decrobyron on

    With fainted writing, it is hard to read. I will leave the unreadable as X

    1st line: Chinese languages. Read (in Korean, pronunciation) as 동자직XXXXXXX

    2nd Line: I can read 2-0

    3rd Line: Yoju, UR, HaLe. -> I thought it was Yeoju area in Korea but OP Punchbowl was at far north.

    4th Line: 210, 박성근(park seong geon)

    5th Line: Too fainted to read

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