Mordraten in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten

Von AdIcy4323


  1. Eli-Had-A-Book- on

    Goes to show that it’s people who are the problem. Not the access to guns.

    New Hampshire & Vermont are not poster children for restrictive firearm measures in the US.

    But then you have a place like DC that has some of the strictest gun laws.

    Unfortunately this is a map of poverty in the US (which doesn’t mix well with guns).

    There are certain areas that drive a lion share of these murders (Oakland, St. Louis, Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Flint, Detroit, Chicago). The amount of US counties that don’t have a murder teeters on half each year. There are more towns that go even longer.

    If we are able to fix others issues in the country, no need for feel good “common sense” gun measures that do not address the underlying issue.

  2. Boring_Bumblebee6157 on

    At least the US isn’t being taken over by foreign migrants who hate the country and its people who graciously allow them in. Many of the countries in Europe are complete disaster zone worse than the aftereffects of Katrina. The UK, Germany, France, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden are all uninhabitable in the big cities where all these foreign thugs camp out waiting to attack the native people’s and overthrow their governments! Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, etc may have higher homicide rates(which I doubt. It is probably lies from the UN) but they are infinitely more secure, safe, and Godly.

  3. Fit_Spring_2075 on

    I remember when the city I was living in was named the murder capital of Canada, and then it compared it to other cities across the world, including the USA. The city I was living in at the time would have been in the top 5 safest cities in the USA.

  4. Altruistic-Ant4629 on

    People tell me the world is falling apart in Sweden however the USA is a lot worse

  5. EndlessExploration on

    Interestingly, this has very little correlation with the strictness of gun laws by state.

    I guess Americans just like killing people

  6. TangibleBrandon on

    We need more guns and less education over here pls 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. whstlngisnvrenf on

    Louisiana native, represent, son!

    Yay! We’re number 1!



  8. vintage_rack_boi on

    You could go to any of these areas and if you aren’t slanging rock, conducting a crime, or banging you are going to be perfectly fine.

  9. morbidnihilism on

    America will forever be behind Europe in this subject because of a 18th century constitution

  10. Ah yes. Those death penalty states down south really showing us how deterrence is done.

    Dead weight states.

  11. Select_Command_5987 on

    2023 data is out

    2024 is coming out

    stop using old data maps, folks

  12. Alert-Beautiful9003 on

    Ha…the farmers polute the F out of the water and the politicians line their pockets so you die from cancer and poor maternal health care instead of murder. Low population, low murder rates and yet still a shit place to live.

  13. DesperateProfessor66 on

    Why are all the yellow and red countries in Europe except Turkey ex-USSR states? And why is Russia so high despite afaik much more restricted access to firearms than in the USA?

  14. Phobophobia94 on

    “It’s because of poverty” mf’s when West Virginia exists

  15. Typical-Thanks-9836 on

    People get murdered every day where I live. Someone got their throat cut, one beaten to death, and some found dead at a park less than half to two blocks where I work. Every time I enter a building I have to know where the exits are.

  16. skarrrrrrr on

    now show south america ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)

  17. I’m from NH, and despite having very low gun homicides, we have a lot of guns. We do have high rates of gun suicides though.

  18. AdditionalPrize580 on

    Low homicide rate doesn’t mean safer. Rates of other crimes like robbery, assault, break ins, etc matter. In this regard France, Belgium and Sweden are substantially more dangerous than most US states (except the black majority areas).

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