Waffenbesitzquoten in den USA

Von plaev


  1. Data could have been different if included all those that have lost in boating accidents

  2. Annual-Duty-6468 on

    These numbers are never right, they miss all kinds of information. Last I saw the ownership rate in Alaska was much higher than that.

  3. peach_haribo27 on

    So MA ties with RI, NJ and HI with lowest gun ownership rate at 15%? Not bad (hey non Americans nobody CARES *sob* that your gun ownership rates *sobs* are almost zero *sob* /s) im being sarcastic! I wish we had low gun ownership rates like y’all 😭

  4. AlfonsoHorteber on

    Conservative and rural = lotsa guns
    Conservative and urban/suburban = quite a few guns
    Liberal and rural = quite a few guns
    Liberal and urban/suburban = not very many guns (for the US, still a ton of guns compared to other developed countries)

  5. Hmmm, Massachusetts has the best public education, many of the best colleges, high end on quality life compared to other states, happiness is one of highest and occasionally the highest of any state; well above average in nearly every positive index against other states. And they are not a bunch of gun nuts, go figure?

  6. pyratemime on

    Problem number one is using the Trace for anything. They are a very biased organization.

    Problem number two is assuming any level of accuracy is possible in state without state level registries. There is simply no way of knowing how many people own guns in not registry states because gun owners don’t answer pollster questions about whether they own guns.

  7. CptnChronic306 on

    C’mon people,pump up those numbers. Go out and support your Local Gun Stores

  8. Specialist_Island_83 on

    Can’t wait to buy more! 2 friends just got their first ARs.

  9. No_Economics4277 on

    Tragically, I lost all my firearms in a boating accident.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)

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