Kaum zu glauben, dass das schon 15 Jahre her ist. Mann fällt in Dublin auf Eis In den RTE-Nachrichten

Von WickerMan111



    This is what I use to age myself.

    Was this the snow that prompted the government to finally buy some snow ploughs?

  2. ExpertSolution7 on

    It has officially joined the immersion and wooden spoon as once amusing jokes beaten to death by /r/Ireland to the point of mild irritation. Give yerselves a pat on the back. 

  3. wileycoyote25 on

    When I saw this in my mid 20’s I laughed so hard. Now seeing it again at nearly 40 with a back problem I shudder

  4. OpinionatedDeveloper on

    Wait where’s the original video? The news reader said something different than this.

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