Trumps Trash Talk lässt die schlimmste Weltpolitik wieder aufleben


  1. bloombergopinion on

    From [Bloomberg Opinion’s Andreas Kluth: ](

    In the run-up to his inauguration, Trump is clearly challenging [The Greatest]( for his title of [GOAT]( in smack talk, chirping, jawing, or whatever [you call it](

    Trump has recently put Panama on notice that the US wants that canal back; Denmark, that he intends to make an offer to buy Greenland that Copenhagen can’t refuse; and Canada, that it should start looking forward to becoming the 51st American state.

    Trump (probably) doesn’t mean much of this literally. But he will drop principle for power and carve up the globe into spheres of influence.

    Read more [here. ](

  2. sunnyspiders on

    He’s a carnival barker.

    A huckster, a pitchman.

    Selling simple solutions to complicated problems for four easy payments of 29.99

    Americans voted for a TV show, and they’re about to inflict it upon the world.

    And it’s garbage TV as fake as wrestling in the WWE

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