China vs. USA: Wer investiert mehr in Afrika?

Von plaev


  1. Dazzling-Score-107 on

    There’s Chinese and American military bases in Djibouti. To say those are not am investment in Africa is foolish. This is, at best, misinformation

  2. Looking_for_chi on

    I understand about costal countries but why are they investing in land locked nation for? oil and other natural resources? or to get a head start during industrialization in these countries.

  3. RelativeCalm1791 on

    China will soon understand it’s hopeless. First Europe did, then the US. China will be next.

  4. South Africa was one of the founding members of BRICS. Nice to see China and US competition there.

  5. Holy fuck the racist scumbags in this thread. No wonder Asia and especially China is overrunning the rest by raising the investments to the fastest growing economy after themselves.

  6. fashionedidiot47 on

    Well, seems it was a lost cause trying to industrialize Africa *with a market* (not judging whether it was socialist or capitalist, only market)

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