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*Biden is invoking the 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) to prevent new fossil fuel developments off the East and West coasts of the U.S. as well as in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico and Alaska’s North Bering Sea.* – the article.
I wish he’d use his 80 year old hand to give Trump a slap in the face.
damn, only took you until the last 10 minutes of your term, surely this can’t be overriden within a month
The slap in the face here is thinking, Mr. Orange and his deplorables care for the rule of law.
not even sure don can feel a slap in the face with all of that makeup to absorb the blow
A law someone still in congress probably wrote
Would love to see Biden find a ton of old obscure laws that block a stack of Trumps Project 25 agenda in bizarre ways that causes them exhaustive time to research how they’d have to override. Slowing down those orange head worshipping clowns wouldn’t suck imo.
Now use that 157 year old 14th Amendment and disqualify the seditious asshole from taking office.
Both of these dudes are still older than this law. That feels gross.
A politician doing politically motivated decisions…how unfair !
the law that trump just ignored last time when he just declared these designations invalid.
So what he’s doing is setting up a symbolic legal confrontation to enable the Supreme Court to strike down the law entirely. Cool cool
The modern Conservative courts have been invoking laws that are over 160 years old recently, literally pre-civil war rulings to justify their standings, I don’t see anything wrong with Democrats choosing to return in kind.
Now send some more billions to Israel, that‘ll show them 🤦🏻
Total nothing burger, doesn’t make sense to drill in these areas. This is a PR stunt.
What a crazy world. A current president is doing all he can to impede the next president. Trying to supercede the will of the people who voted for the policies of the incoming president. Something really f’d up about that.
Any president can reverse a decision made by a former president happens all the time and will have no effect whatsoever.
Law? That’s a repealing.
Biden still thinks person who never follows the law will follow the law.
There is only one law after the 20th that is what does Trump want today. Not what he wanted yesterday but today and figure out what he wants tomorrow.
MAGA 2.0 is really just MAGA 1.0 infected with malware.
Was going to read the article, then I saw it was the daily beast
I’m sure the “original” constitution never mentioned continental shelf, so SC will disallow.
It’s too bad he cannot protect the Great Lakes.
Th headline should read “Biden uses 72 year old law to give Trump mild inconvenience before MAGA 2.0”.
Why’d he wait? If it’s worth doing, then it’s worth restricting ANY President, including himself or Harris.
Doing it now makes it look petty and will probably be overturned.
George soros is their hero that says it all
Trump will use this as an excuse when his economy tunnels a hole straight into satan’s shithouse
In the first season of Magaland, Trump made it very clear that he didn’t care two shits about the Constitution, let alone established guidelines or the judiciary. Are there really still people who think Season 2 will feature a better person?
The definition of petty. This has to be the most embarrassing transfer of power in Presidential history. Dems salty AF
Like laws will stop Trump
The man’s thinking about future headlines.
You can’t call someone a fascist, campaign on the person being a fascist then limp dick… I’m sorry lame duck the guy with law and order. I’m not sure what we are even doing here anymore. 🚬 I feel bad for foreigners because I’m sure from the outside it just looks like the most powerful country in the world hit the explodey button on world stability. I’m just waiting for our Reichstag fire decree. This is probably how democracy died…
Biden wrote the original bill
Trump (soon) : They had their little laws and rules and we just threw ’em out. (80 million people applaud)
Even after Jan 6 the Dems still don’t get they are dealing with fascists and their backing oligarchs…hurr hurr hurr you can’t cross this line in the sand…like they actually care.
Biden should have fired 72 year old Garland instead. Too little too late.
I love this it reminds me that my favorite line from Harlem Nights. “We gotta run, but we gonna kick them in the nuts before we go”. Lmao
Feel like if he wanted to slap trump in the face he would’ve put him in jail since day 1 of office but what do I know
None of this shit matters, laws don’t matter when they aren’t enforced…. and guess who gets to enforce them.