fMRT-Neurofeedback ist vielversprechend für die Behandlung von Depressionen | Eine systematische Überprüfung von fMRT-Neurofeedback-Interventionen bei Depressionen zeigt, dass diese Art von Training die neuronale Aktivität im Zusammenhang mit Depressionen in einer einzigen Sitzung modulieren kann.

fMRI neurofeedback shows promise for depression treatment

1 Comment

  1. Chronotaru on

    *”can modulate neural activity related to depression in a single session”*

    As we don’t actually know what “neural activity related to depression” looks like, that would be impressive…so, colour me sceptical…let’s go down and read the rest…

    *”They searched five databases of scientific research publications”*

    Oh, so it’s a meta-analysis, not new work.

    *”The BOLD signal measures changes in blood oxygenation and flow in specific brain areas. It serves as an indirect indicator of neural activity, as active regions consume more oxygen, prompting an increase in oxygen-rich blood flow to that area.”*

    Okay, but where’s the direct established causal or at least correlative link to depression?

    And then after elaborating a bit more on that point it just stops and finishes with this:

    *”However, the studies included in this analysis were methodologically diverse and did not follow standardized protocols, limiting how generalizable the results are.”*

    Really? From that headline?

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