1. The amount of articles like this right now is getting tiring. If it was such a heavily armed insurrection there would be thousands dead. Things would have looked very different.

  2. Imagine if the media reported it as such during the year it happened.

  3. YuriNeytor on

    Corporate media oligarchs will soon learn the consequences of coddling and appeasing a Conmans actions.

    Trump hates criticism. The first thing he will do is go after them if they don’t keep paying him.

  4. In my reading, hardly anyone mentions the stashes of weapons they had nearby on Jan 6. Glad to see it mentioned here in this article.

  5. AaronfromKY on

    And now they’re just gonna let the mother fucker have power again. Unbelievable. Although it also makes it harder to believe that Dems actually think he’s Hitler since they aren’t physically trying to stop this from happening. Such a boring dystopia.

  6. It’s a good litmus test to see if someone is living in reality or not

  7. I remember seeing it unfold live on camera and I was absolutely mouth agape. The one thing I will never forget was the Secret Service drooling at the mouth trying to get Mike Pence into a car to get away from the a Capitol and Pence saying, “Nah, don’t feel right.”. Then, coincidentally durning the Jan. 6 committee hearing, the Secret Service texts seemingly were wiped/vanished. That was a trial run Americans saw and surprisingly, Americans decided to buy the full subscription.

  8. I will say it again, as I’ve said it before.

    *Gun control saved lives* on January 6th.

    A lot of people *brought* guns, but left them in hotel rooms in Virginia.

    Zip Tie guy (the one that brought his mum to an insurrection) was recorded talking with a friend, and they left their guns outside the building because they were worried about getting charged for bringing in weapons.

    We also know a few people brought guns into the building and were charged for it, but there weren’t many, and they weren’t open about it.

    Now imagine a world where DC had no gun control laws, where 25% of the crowd had a pistol on their hip, and 5% were open carrying AR15s on their back. How much different would the police and security response have been, and how different do you think the crowd would have been? They were beating cops with flagpoles, do you think *none* of them would have fired a shot? Would the police have held the doors if they had rifles aimed at them through the windows? Would they have kept their guns holstered? I think it would have been a bloodbath

  9. writingNICE on

    Yup, and that guy leading it is shortly back in power.

    Great, just great.

  10. Glum-Professional925 on

    Headline: “Heavily Armed”
    Article: “They had standard weapons you’d find on the street
    Further down the articles: “heavily armed with potentially deadly weapons and some guns. Look there were even pictures taken that we can’t show”

    What a joke of an article…

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