Ä°ran is definitely higher esfahan atleast got 50k jews
MissionAsparagus9609 on
Up yours kiwis!
netfalconer on
Making the cutoff at 20,000 is a clear choice and I suspect it was made in order not to show certain countries, rather than the expected >1m, >100k, >10k.
Dramatic-Fennel5568 on
Remember when the Mossad bombed Arab synagogues to force Jews into Palestine
American-Toe-Tickler on
I didn’t know California had so many Jewish people. I always assumed it was only really common here in the north east.
No-Lab4175 on
So that’s what has done in Poland…
AlgerianTrash on
What’s interesting about France is that when you first see its higher number of jews compared to other European countries, you’d think that it has probably done something right to its own jewish population compared to its peers
Any map showing that Russia has less than 1 million Jews is so wrong. There are non-practicing Jews, sub-ethnical Jewish groups (Georgian jews, Dagestan jews, Karaims, etc) – they even have their own national federative region
Ä°ran is definitely higher esfahan atleast got 50k jews
Up yours kiwis!
Making the cutoff at 20,000 is a clear choice and I suspect it was made in order not to show certain countries, rather than the expected >1m, >100k, >10k.
Remember when the Mossad bombed Arab synagogues to force Jews into Palestine
I didn’t know California had so many Jewish people. I always assumed it was only really common here in the north east.
So that’s what has done in Poland…
What’s interesting about France is that when you first see its higher number of jews compared to other European countries, you’d think that it has probably done something right to its own jewish population compared to its peers
But when you read about it, it turns out that when it colonized Algeria for 132 years, it created a law called [Décret Cremieux](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cr%C3%A9mieux_Decree) in which it segregated between the Algerian jewish and Muslim/christian population, the latter being kept as second-class subjects with virtually no rights, while the former waa given automatic full French citizenship and got assimilated to the french colonial pied-noir class, so naturally, when independance came about and the pied-noirs exodus happened, the jews there were part of the exocus
Which is nearly of modern French jews are of North-African sephardic
There are around 25,000 Jews in Panama
There are around 25,000 Jews in Panama
The antisemitism in France in particular has been increasing at a very alarming rate. In 2021, [HALF ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1238705/french-people-jewish-culture-faith-having-thought-leaving-france-reason/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20almost%20half%20)of all French Jews had seriously considered leaving. Stories like the murder of [Sarah Halimi ](https://www.timesofisrael.com/french-parliamentary-report-on-sarah-halimi-murder-reopens-wounds-it-sought-to-heal/)illustrate the same issues that existed during the [Dreyfus affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus_affair) are still there
Any map showing that Russia has less than 1 million Jews is so wrong. There are non-practicing Jews, sub-ethnical Jewish groups (Georgian jews, Dagestan jews, Karaims, etc) – they even have their own national federative region