Biden verbietet dauerhaft Offshore-Bohrungen in 625 Millionen Hektar Meeresfläche, was eine Umkehr Trumps erschwert


  1. JollyToby0220 on

    This headline is obvious bs and the media should be ashamed for trying to trick people into. If anything, Trump will walk right in and get everything started, then allow a Democrat to run the WhiteHouse and get blamed for this. 

  2. Cyanopicacooki on

    About a 1million square miles (the land area of the USA is about 4million square miles)

  3. Anything done by executive order can be undone by executive order. SCOTUS would likely rule that having the authority to add protected areas comes with the authority to remove them too by extension.

  4. YuriNeytor on

    Rules don’t matter to Trump.
    He’s above them and it shows.

    If he got away Scott free for causing a literal insurrection, he’ll get away with much more.

    At this point he could execute a man point blank on the street and the SCOTUS would still coddle him just like his Voter base.

  5. Accomplished_Worth on

    At oil at 75 bucks its unlikely anyone is going to start an expensive offshore project.

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