Der Konsum von rauchfreien Tabakprodukten während der Schwangerschaft ist mit dem Risiko eines geringeren Geburtsgewichts verbunden. Die Forscher kombinierten die Ergebnisse von 33 Studien, die die Auswirkungen verschiedener rauchloser Tabakprodukte untersuchten, darunter Schnupftabak, Betelnüsse und Pituri, die aus einer einheimischen australischen Pflanze hergestellt werden.


  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:

    From the linked article:

    Using smokeless tobacco products during pregnancy could increase the risk of a low birth weight, according to Australian researchers who say low birth weight can be a predictor for a range of health problems later in life. The researchers combined the results of 33 studies looking at the impact of various smokeless tobacco products including snuff, betel nut and pituri, made from a native Australian plant. The researchers say overall, smokeless tobacco use during pregnancy was linked to lower birth weight despite differences between the studies. They say pregnant women should be given support to quit or cut down on the use of smokeless tobacco products, and more research is needed on the potential health impacts, especially for products including pituri that are used by Indigenous peoples and have been the subject of very little research so far.

  2. CarlsManicuredToes on

    Am I just dense? How are betel nut and pituri considered tobacco products when they are not tobacco at all? Betel nut doesn’t even contain any nicotine.

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