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How are dictators and CEOs supposed to pay for their yachts and penthouses if we all buy heat pumps?
I’m a firm believer in heat pumps for new builds but retro fitting isn’t workable in my opinion. Particularly in houses over 40 years old. The original building materials used in the floor and walls are not suitable for the heat loss tolerances . This has led to a lot of installs where the client is left with a high end user bill and high maintenance costs and ultimately given heat pumps a bad name . Suppliers of these heat pumps are often to blame – offering lucrative incentives to push them onto unsuitable customers
I think the effects of this ideological misinformation on heat pump sales are pretty overstated. You can definitely see the effects in people’s attitudes towards government policies, but in terms of what people are actually buying and installing, the numbers are pretty clear, and heat pumps have won.
Nearly 70% of new buildings in Germany are using heat pumps, and then another 20% on top of that are using District Heating, and many district heating systems are being upgraded to use gigantic neighbourhood-scale heat pumps.
Gas heating in new housing is at 3.7%, whereas it makes up nearly 50% of the heating systems in existing housing stock.
Money talks, and everyone in Germany now knows that gas is expensive, and can be highly volatile in price.
it may be the angel we don’t know, while gas heating is the devil we know…
20.000€ more for a new “wärmepumpe” (over a “gasheizung”) can buy a lot of gas, even with increasing prices.
If electricity was as cheap as in nordic countries the heat pump would surely be the way to go.. but who knows where prices for electricity will go? It’s not like it’s cheap here or did not increase by.. uhm, alot over the last few years.
I like in a carbon neutral apartment, decked out with mechanical ventilation and a heatpump boiler. It is terrible tbh. During the winter I always feel that draft and the warmth from my heaters is directly extracted again. I have 200liters of warm water which is just enough for 45minutes of warm water a day and it is less if you have a wife that showers at 41c. My energy costs are that of a family of 5+ while being just 2 of us. The building is just 4 years old and multiple people already had their heatpump boiler exchanged because it went bad and mine is also due for replacement thanks to the heat exchanger becoming inefficient.
Then the houses are also designed with an outdated mindset, the summer are more hard and those triple glazed windows will turn your house into a little oven in the summer thus needing to rely on air conditioning thus raising the energy costs even more.
All my friends that moved into modern apartments/houses experience similar issues.
Heat pumps are increasingly popular in Estonia as well. There’s also a lot of misinformation about them floating around.
Additional issue I don’t see addressed anywhere is that.. heat pumps need electricity to work. Without that they won’t work and the houses go cold quickly. What happens if there is an electrical cut that isn’t just 2-3 hours but 2-3 days? Unfortunately, that’s pretty common in some places in Estonia.
Perhaps in Germany they can be a single source of heat in homes, but IMHO, in Estonia, each dwelling that isn’t situated within a city limits should probably have an alternative heat source as well and not rely on just a heat pump.
The past four years have basically been one giant misinformation campaign orchestrated by the Springer press and the opposing conservatives, aided by the neo liberal government party FDP, to fuck over the acting government. Every single time anything has been said or done in any way, the next day everything was swamped with fake news.
Yeah it is stupid to heat your home with gas