1. (I don’t like Jeff) but him not supporting that drawing is control and censorship, right?
    Just like banning tiktok right?

  2. Potential_Green_8468 on

    begging the president to let amazon be able to make drone beehives and worker cages a thing.

  3. I don’t know what Bezos wants but whatever it is we’ll give it to him! Just stop supporting trump.

  4. Hot-Ability7086 on

    That has to taste awful, it’s so embarrassing.

    To possess the sole ability to help all humans and instead intentionally choose the nasty, crusty, shit stain option.

  5. Za_Lords_Guard on

    Who new a prick with a cock rocket would be such a limp dick?

  6. ReasonableSir8204 on

    That’s literally how corporate lobbying works. Fuck this sub, allowing brain dead posts for no reason.

  7. whichwitch9 on

    If you have Amazon prime, with this and the worker’s strike, just freaking cancel already. Absolutely ridiculous garbage company. There’s gotta be a way to have a similar business at more local levels that’s less ripe for abuse, as well, for Amazon as a shopping/shipping hub. I think we really need to start trying to find and elevate more ethical competitors to some of these monstrosities of companies. We should elevate businesses looking to run stable longterm while turning a reasonable profit vs those willing to eat their own tails for extreme growth that will tap out

  8. WhoEvenIsPoggers on

    And then in 2027 they’ll all begin to condemn him and say he’s such an awful leader and that he’s similar to Hitler.

  9. I still don’t understand why he didn’t fight against Trump and his people harder, I guess he’s just a gutless coward.

  10. Ancient_Signature_69 on

    There’s no love behind that kiss. It’s just that they know how to manipulate him…

  11. recalculating-route on

    please don’t trust bust amazon and make them stop engaging in unfair non competitive practices 🙁 pretty please? you can ride on my penis rocket if you like! it’s much more masculine than the soy boy space x rockets.

  12. Diaper Don makes them move the Depends out of the way themselves first.

    …What do you mean, “not *that* ring”?

  13. AloneChapter on

    If none of the billionaires make billions more. The backlash will be awesome to watch.

  14. Chunky-_-Monkey on

    Not just kiss, he’s using his mouth as a jacuzzi for his scrotum. 

  15. RangerAlex22 on

    So, what does this mean for obviously anti-Trump show “The Boys”?

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