Für meinen Geschmack ist es etwas zu konisch

Von almondpizza


  1. Yea, remove core if present, squish it to more round shape and roll it around in hands. Quickly, before mods notice this shitpost.

  2. _Totorotrip_ on

    That wrinkled part are the Dolomites.

    And that sweet part it’s your place OP.

  3. NewRepresentative165 on

    If I would have to guess I would say the Globe of Earth.
    It has a so called biosphere(?) I believe. I’m not 100% sure though…
    Maybe if a biologist or a astologist could chime in, that would be lovely!
    Nice date btw!

  4. Metal_girl1122 on

    It looks a bit like what I’ve seen here in Vietnam. But at the same time, a date is a date it’s hard to tell xd

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