FTSE-100-Chefs verdienen im Jahr 2025 heute Mittag mehr Geld als der durchschnittliche Arbeiter in einem Jahr


Von SlySquire


  1. Less-Following9018 on

    The highest 100 paid workers earn much more than the average person.

    More breaking news to follow…

  2. Muted-City-Fan on

    Time for the annual exponential salary discussion.

    You go work as a CEO and see if you can hack it. I wouldn’t want to do I can tell you that.

    The amount of shit people give inside the company let alone outside. From asking “why are you still trading with Israel” every all hands to general crap. It IS a difficult job and the pay reflects that.

    Tax/CGT etc is a different discussion

  3. Square-Employee5539 on

    And yet UK executive pay is still much lower than for their US peers.

  4. Ever_Watching_Cenu on

    Owner of an entire global company makes more than one of the many thousands of workers working for it? Must be a slow news day.

    Sure the pay could probably be reduced, but there has to be a monetary incentive for wanting to start and run entire companies with thousands of moving parts.

  5. Kingsworth on

    In other news, that chap with a funny white hat is indeed Catholic.

  6. Impressive-Eye9874 on

    Nothing wrong with people earning mega bucks as long as it’s not at the expense of others. I read recently how many of the shop floor retail workers at Asda need benefits to top up their income…. If they are a full time worker then that is an absolute disgrace.

  7. pajamakitten on

    Then they end the year by getting a bonus, share incentives and dividends that also dwarf out pay, just to add to their pay. Money is a drug to these people.

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