[OC] Verfolgen Sie unser Sexualleben im Jahr 2024

Von throwaway2649163


  1. Content_Artichoke_17 on

    From How she finished and How she takes it, i presume she really likes anal.

  2. notreal088 on

    Not really judging just wondering why so few times per week. Even when me and my ex-wife were doing it at least once a day if not more. Is it a work/time related. Cause if not one of the two need to slight more aggressive sexual and initiate more often.

  3. HungryAd8233 on

    I am not sure whether to applaud the sex or the data more, but I applaud loudly.

  4. GauravGummaraju on

    Love seeing the ‘her initiating/him initiating ratio’ leaning more towards the woman. Sounds like a healthy relationship OP. I gotta ask a couple of things though. Do both of you contribute to the data collection or is it just one of you doing it? Also, does collecting all this data sometimes come in the way of enjoying it?

  5. Is it your kink? I can’t imagine finishing a sess by logging it into a spreadsheet.

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