Bevölkerungsdichte in Afrika

Von kg_digital_


  1. That whole area around Lake Victoria seems a bit too bright. Particularly compared to South Africa. Cape Town in particular.

  2. Mister_Barman on

    “Egypt, are you densely populated?”

    “Well yes, but actually no”

  3. Chaoticasia on

    Then Why is it that North Africans are so often portrayed as living in the Sahara Desert, when the majority actually reside in the fertile northern regions, among lush green mountains and coastal areas?

  4. No_Window8199 on

    can see the strike difference in population density between malawi mozambique & zambia

  5. Some parts of Africa seem to be more crowded than the big cities of Bangladesh or India, such as Kampala or Lagos.

  6. CarelessAddition2636 on

    This image makes Africa look like it’s on fire, pretty cool visual with light and dark contrast of populated areas

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