[OC] Die 9 Originalfilme in den Top 50 der Kinokassen 2024

    Von leftweet


    1. Inspired by [https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1huggr2/oc_how_sequels_took_over_hollywood/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1huggr2/oc_how_sequels_took_over_hollywood/)

      Used Google Sheets and Datawrapper to make the chart. Source for the domestic box office rankings is The Numbers: [https://the-numbers.com/box-office-records/domestic/all-movies/cumulative/released-in-2024](https://the-numbers.com/box-office-records/domestic/all-movies/cumulative/released-in-2024) and then manually researched what each film was based on.

    2. very_loud_icecream on

      You know what, I want to support independent movies. Which ones of these are best?

    3. The_Safe_For_Work on

      I actually enjoyed Red One a lot more than I was expecting to. For what it is, it’s pretty good.

    4. Short_Change on

      If it is meant to draw in a crowd, they cannot gamble on something they do not know the outcome for. This is just not possible to do so with the cost of production being so high.

      That being said, 18% is really high knowing that it is just filtering “what did well”.

    5. I like the way you colorcoded everything and picked it up in the title!

    6. bewitchedbumblebee on

      Do yourself a favor and skip the movie “Trap”. Ridiculously stupid movie. 

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