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I’d rather him stay in just instead call an election immediately so we can send the whole party packing
Great news!
[no paywall](https://archive.is/ep1zF)
All of India is jumping up and down.
That’s a win for Canada!
>Trudeau’s departure would leave the party without a permanent head at a time when polls show the Liberals will badly lose to the Conservatives in an election that must be held by late October.
Putting the conservatives back in scares the hell out of me.
Guys I think this is fake news. I’m in the UK and it’s Monday and he hasn’t resigned at all.
Was a Trudeau a great leader? Absolutely not.
Do I think PP will do a better job? Absolutely not.
Why does it seem there’s no great options right now?
I swear if this is the starting block for Canadas addition to the US…
Rob Ford needs a promotion. I need another country to laugh at. 😕
There no great options leading any of the parties here in Canada. I could get behind some of the Cons policy if PP wasn’t such a condescending ass. I can’t support the Cons with him as its leader. He has no decorum.
That being said this isn’t the way to go. Call an election and then step down after the party loses. He knows and the party knows that no one will be able to save the Liberal party for the next election.
Honestly, it is probably the only way to save the Federal Liberals at this point. Unfortunately, PP who can’t be bothered to even get a security clearance will be the next PM. He will be horrible and undo a lot of the beneficial social programs we’ve gained. With a new Liberal leader they have some chance of forming the official opposition or give the Conservatives a minority government.
Amazing, about time
Gonna be interesting with Prime Minister Milhous.
Canada cannot be saved it’s too late even if Jesus was elected
For non-Canadians, has Trudeau accomplished anything good as PM?
Conservatives are sooooooo, going to step on this land mine. LOL, just like in America,………..wait for it.
Who will be the next governor?
Style over substance
Who are the bots in here that are saying they like this guy? Like seriously?!
Who’s gonna take his place at the stake. It’s a methaphore.
I suppose this means he’s not going to be the governor of americas newest state /s
Mark Carney time. Needs to step in stop the bleeding and get ready for next election cycle.
Have to rebuild the party.
This is scary. I feel like things are being moved into place for something bigger than we can even imagine on a global scale. I sound like a conspiracy theorist I know, but something is amiss.
Rumoured to be resigning from leader of party, no rumours of resignation as PM. Canada is currently without a deputy PM as she resigned from cabinet
Farewell, Canada. You fell for the Putin propaganda. Puppet state or fully absorbed info the US.
Because you are in an even bigger mess than the US was before this the ruin. Hopefully a strong conservative figure emerges to put you back on track snd stop the left wing lunacy
F Trudeau sign companies are going to miss earnings.
The nation getting a dub so that the country can take a enormous L come election time. Haven’t seen such an interesting case of win lose in a long time.
Better relax your buttholes because the pounders are just greasing themselves up for the real work to come. From win/lose to lose/lose, lfgo 2025, it’s only day five.
He’s doing this 25 days before the report on election interference is released in which there were several inconsistencies with his party. To name a few:
1. His story changed from “EI is xenophobic” to “EI didn’t happen” to “I wasn’t informed about EI” to “OK I was informed, but it wasn’t a big deal”
2. He appointed a family friend with several business and personal ties to China to investigate the alleged Chinese interference in Canadain elections. This person concluded that while there was EI and changes were needed, it wasn’t a big deal
3. The followup investigation has already stated that several Canandian MPs are either wittingly or unwittingly supporting foreign governments to subvert Canadian democracy
4. A warrant issued by CSIS was sat on for 47 days in a Liberal MP’s office until after an election. Rumors have it that the warrant was targeting a Liberal MP. The average time a warrant had previously sat in his office was 10 days
5. Trudeau attended a cash for access fundraiser held by CCP party members prior to his 2015 election win
6. A Liberal appointed senator has been parroting CCP talking points on Uyghurs and Taiwan
7. CCP controlled organizations bussed college students into various ridings during several Liberal party appointment elections
I suspect the latest electoral interference report will make the LPC look very bad. Trudeau leaving will likely mean that our parliament is porogued for a few months, long enough for the story to die down.
Oh thank god