Reuters – Der kanadische Premierminister Justin Trudeau wird voraussichtlich bereits am Montag seinen Rücktritt als Vorsitzender der Liberalen Partei bekannt geben, berichtete The Globe and Mail am Sonntag unter Berufung auf drei Quellen.

Die Quellen teilten Globe and Mail mit, dass sie nicht genau wüssten, wann Trudeau seine Pläne zum Austritt bekannt geben werde, sagten aber, dass sie davon ausgingen, dass dies vor einem wichtigen nationalen Fraktionstreffen am Mittwoch geschehen werde.

Das Büro des kanadischen Premierministers reagierte nicht sofort auf eine Bitte um Stellungnahme außerhalb der regulären Geschäftszeiten.

Von External-Noise-4832


  1. bananahammock_69420 on

    Hell no.
    He needs to face Canadians and finish driving his party into oblivion

  2. External-Noise-4832 on

    **Submission Statement**

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expected to announce resignation before national caucus meeting Wednesday.

  3. burningbun on

    he is laughing to the bank. guys a winner. will continue to lead canada behind the scene as neo nazi.

  4. CollectionRound7703 on

    So he gets the easy way out, and we will get crackhead freeland as PM? What a joke

  5. garthsworld on


    New leadership. Like all those CEO’s that just happened to retire before covid. Things are going to move fast, I’m guessing something major before March (if not March, then keep an wye out for October?)

    It’s like in the military when you see the Generals all change at once, if they were billeting specialists, then it means new bases, if they were war specialists…well yeah, somebody is gwtting invaded.

  6. Justro castreau should be locked up for betraying the actual Canadian people and turning into a dystopian dictator

  7. tootyfruity21 on

    Is he resigning to become governor of the new US state of Canada?

  8. Are your PMs like ours in New Zealand? Ours flee the country after they are done because they can’t look the people in the face that they fckd over.. especially our last one, Jacinda Ardern.. she’s basically disappeared to somewhere in the USA, no doubt enjoying the proceeds of her shill for big pharma.

  9. Is he going to go take over for his dad (Cuba) and get the power turned back on?

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