Wie sich künstliche Intelligenz auf Asiens Volkswirtschaften auswirken wird – KI mag die Ungleichheit vergrößern, aber politische Entscheidungsträger können dem durch wirksamere soziale Sicherheitsnetze, Umschulungsprogramme und Vorschriften entgegenwirken, um den ethischen Einsatz der Technologie zu fördern
From the article
>However, as we show in our latest Asia-Pacific [Regional Economic Outlook](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/REO/APAC/Issues/2024/10/31/regional-economic-outlook-for-asia-and-pacific-october-2024), there are also more jobs in the region’s advanced economies that can be *complemented* by AI, meaning that the technology will likely enhance productivity rather than replace these roles altogether.
>The concentration of such jobs in Asia’s advanced economies could worsen inequality between countries over time. While about 40 percent of jobs in Singapore are rated as highly complementary to AI, the share is just 3 percent in Laos.
>AI could also increase inequality within countries. Most workers at risk of displacement in the Asia-Pacific region work in service, sales, and clerical support roles. Meanwhile, workers who are more likely to benefit from AI typically work in managerial, professional, and technician roles that already tend to be among the better paid professions.
Heh imagine policymakers caring about people’s wellbeing instead of being richer and more powerful.
Just because somebody can counteract the negative effects of capitalism doesn’t mean anyone in the history of the last 200 years has done so