[OC] 2025 NBA 3-Punkte-Versuche vs. Marken nach Team und Spieler

Von data_enchilada


  1. data_enchilada on

    I pulled data from NBA.com’s traditional stats to visualize 3-point efficiency across the league. While we’re still mid-season and the data isn’t complete, it’s interesting to see teams like Utah, Chicago, New Orleans, Brooklyn, and Charlotte leading in 3-point attempts despite having losing records.

    [data source](https://www.nba.com/stats/teams/traditional)

    [Tableau Public Viz](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/data.enchilada/viz/TMAIHeatCheck2025NBA3-PointAttemptsvsMakes/TMAINBA3PAvs3PM2025?publish=yes) (user can filter by player & teams here)

  2. What is the takeway from these graphs, that more attempts means more successes?

    If you wanted to convey some other aspect, like proportion of successful 3 point attempts by the team, graph axes should reflect that, and you may also want to add confidence intervals.

  3. ClearlyCylindrical on

    Plot success percentage over attempt count and you’ll realize that the data isn’t really that interesting.

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