[OC] Ich habe eine Website erstellt, die die 50 besten Filme des Jahres 2024 bewertet, indem ich Daten von mehreren Websites, amubis.netlify.app, kombiniert habe

    Von -Pipino


    1. This ranking was built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The data is sourced from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Filmaffinity, Metacritic, Letterboxd and TMDB. The scores are calculated using an adjusted average formula to ensure fair representation across different rating scales and number of votes.


    2. Clackclickclack34 on

      I’ve never heard of it, but how does Lahn Man have such a low overall ranking when the individual components are relatively high? Some of this makes no sense. I Am: Celine Dion as well just to cherry pick another. 

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