Senator Adam Schiff sagt, der Anschlag in New Orleans zeige, dass Kash Patel das FBI nicht leiten sollte


  1. A bit from the article:

    > Schiff told NBC News’ “Meet the Press” that the terrorist attack “underscores” why it’s important to have an FBI director “that has experience, has judgment, that has character, that will prioritize defending the country against the violence we saw in New Orleans or the violence we saw on Jan. 6.”
    > Schiff added that the Senate should not confirm “someone whose top priority is political vendettas, who believes in Deep State conspiracy thinking, not someone who is as unqualified as Kash Patel.”

  2. steve_ample on

    It didn’t take a NOLA event to come to such a conclusion, Adam

  3. oshkoshpots on

    As much as Patel is a goober, saying someone is unqualified for a job because of something that happened under the watch of the current person in the role is the dumbest fucking thing ever, and we need to recognize the idiocracy of it. No mention of how the current FBI director is not doing their job. It partisan hackery at its finest

  4. KilroyLeges on

    I would like Senator Thune to explain specifically what he believes needs to be fixed within the FBI. Provide details of specific issues with it.
    He won’t. None of these Trump stooges have actual facts. They are just bigly mad that the FBI dared to do its job investigating the felon President Elect.

  5. Hmm yeah I was totally on the fence about a conspiracy nut dick pill podcaster leading the fbi until the recent attack. That’s what really solidified things for me. /s

    Anyways, just want to say screw Adam Schiff (shifty Schiff) for what he pulled against Katie Porter. Can’t believe how little attention that shitshow got.

  6. Bar-14_umpeagle on

    You have to have someone in charge that actually has experience. Putting a completely unqualified conspiracy theorist is the definition of insanity.

  7. NeverForgetKB24 on

    If Epstein/9.11/Kennedy/Diddy files are all fully declassified… is that a good thing?

    Is that a “silver lining” to the Patel pick?

  8. There’s plenty of reasons why the FBI shouldn’t be headed by a maga sycophant, and this is one of them. But the senate will confirm, I’d be shocked if there’s one senator who doesn’t. Even Collins and Murkowski will vote yes

  9. charcoalist on

    Kash Patel might be trump’s worst nominee. He will turn the FBI into trump’s Gestapo, while hindering the agency from doing its normal job. Foreign espionage agents, organized crime figures, political and business corruption, will all have free reign under trump/Patel’s FBI. Political opponents and the free press will be illegally spied on, and buried under witch hunt investigations. Even if Patel doesn’t get the position, this will remain trump’s plan for the FBI.

    Patel himself has said as much.

    [Why Kash Patel May Be Trump’s Scariest Pick Yet](

  10. Ok-Abbreviations543 on

    With all due respect to Schiff, there was no need for additional evidence to conclude that Ka$h is unqualified. Still, I fully expect Republican Senators who always screaming about national security, to vote unanimously in favor of another Donvict chosen idiot.

  11. Barbourwhat on

    The elephant in the room is that the FBI failed to spot and prevent the attack while Biden was President. Senator Schiff wants to blame Trump while it occurred under Pres Biden’s watch

  12. Nope, America chose unqualified clowns two months ago. Everyone knew exactly what they were voting for and that includes clowns leading every component of government. Enjoy.

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