Es wird erwartet, dass alle fünf noch lebenden US-Präsidenten zusammenkommen, um um Jimmy Carter zu trauern


  1. invalidpassword on

    Trump will be so upset Musk won’t be able to be at his side.

  2. I have a feeling four will actually mourn while one complains he didn’t get enough attention

  3. “But what did slick Jimmy actual do for us ? He has been living off taxpayers dollars for 50 years. Waste of money, waste of money I tell you.”

    -Trump probably

  4. Will this be the first time that these six U.S. presidents will all be in a room together?

  5. IllustriousKoala7924 on

    Are they going to put Trump at a little table? With his little burgers and some toy cyber twuckies for his wittle boy hands?

  6. One will be fuming about half staff and sitting by himself….I wonder which one

  7. Lurkerphobia on

    Four mourning and one still complaining about the flags being half mass for his inauguration.

  8. Za_Lords_Guard on

    Don is gonna pull a Kanye, steal the mic from Biden and make the whole thing about him.

  9. VeganProudHuman on

    I am betting that the other former presidents will draw straws as to who gets sit next to Mr. Stinky Pants.

  10. One of them complains the flags are at half staff.

    Edit: This person is Trump.

  11. Shouldn’t it be 6 living presidents ?

    Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden and president elect Musk

  12. -Words-Words-Words- on

    Trump is going to demand the flags be raised after the funeral.

  13. If treasonous trump shows up he will make it all about himself but it’s a pity it isn’t being held for him , on the day it is held for him I’ll be dancing in the streets

  14. rocketpack99 on

    What are the odds that a certain one of them will do something super cringe-worthy?

  15. Just_Advertising_366 on

    And may lightning strike the orange one. Please Jimmy, please. Just one last altruistic gesture.

  16. LostMyPercolatorFish on

    Trump will not mourn Jimmy Carter.

    Trump will bemoan having to give Jimmy Carter any of his spotlight.

  17. surfkaboom on

    “Look, folks, it’s unbelievable. Everyone’s going on and on about Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. I’m telling you, maybe I should just climb right into that casket myself. I mean, I’ve been elected president – I’m the real star here! But no, they’re all focused on Jimmy. It’s like they forgot who really knows how to draw a crowd. Maybe if I hop in there, they’ll finally give me the attention I deserve. Tremendous idea, isn’t it? We’ll see what happens, folks.”

  18. Flippeduoff on

    So when Trump dies there will only be four presidents at his funeral ? A shame Jimmy will beat Trump at this without trying.

  19. Last_Light1584 on

    Can one skip it? He’s already complained that the flag will still be at half.mast durimg the inauguration….

  20. TheAlabamaSlamma9 on

    The other four should just ignore Trump and let him piss and moan about the flags all by himself.

  21. Four.

    One will be there to say what an evil person Carter was.
    And the photo op.
    Expect a thumbs up.

  22. Adorable-Constant294 on

    Not one will go to Trump’s. They’re will be however Billions of people around the world cheering.

  23. froglok_monk on

    As decent of a human being as Carter was i doubt he’d want a fat, orange sack of shit at his funeral.

  24. Certain_Selection842 on

    I thought Trump was upset that the flags will be at half mast during his inauguration.

  25. idanpotent on

    It feels weird that Clinton will be the second youngest one there, after Obama.

  26. But only one of them is going to try and stand out like a dick blowing in the wind.

  27. I can’t wait to see how the other living presidents treat the walking dead one…

  28. StronglyHeldOpinions on

    We really ought to give Trump the wrong address or date/time.

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