Die USA erwägen ein Verbot eines in China hergestellten Routers und er ist wahrscheinlich bereits bei Ihnen zu Hause installiert



  1. Seriously what alternatives do we have if they do the ban?

    Name me one router that isn’t made in China.

  2. compuwiza1 on

    There are only about eleventy-zillion TP link routers in service. They are cheaper than all other brands, so they have been snapped up while others gather dust

  3. TheRealPapaDan on

    How is the government going to ban routers that are in the majority of homes in the country? My TP-Link router works flawlessly. Come and take it.


    The U.S. government has entered the chat… using a Chinese-made router.

  5. Lstgamerwhlstpartner on

    I’m probably going to ignore all of this. It’s not like my router is an edge router on my network.

  6. SpecialOpposite2372 on

    so security issue? Like what was the loop whole that was exploited? The article says it is being investigated but the amount of Chinese/North Korean hacks that has been done to the high level organization in the past is kinda mind boggling too.
    But if router was the key then it is surely a super genius attack 😆

  7. US considering ban on machine that works exactly like other machines except this one is from china and might be a little scarrrrryyyy

  8. Let’s ban something that’s been in your home for 20 years and will take another 10 to enforce.

  9. Probably definitely not because I returned that piece of shit TP-Link deco 

    It’s a shit product .. it is like routers for dummies when it comes to trying to configure anything in it. Which is fair I guess as to why they’re popular.  And the DHCP server would crash after 25 DHCP leases Which was a deal killer. Last I saw Amazon reviews, this is still happening. 

  10. BunnyHopThrowaway on

    It’s in your home!! It’s in your car!! It’s everywhere!! WAA

    thought that “it’s in your home” sounded funny like some ominous threat

  11. firedrakes on

    5 sec memory…
    Thus story been post3f multiple times now
    Tp link design, firmware and such are done in the usa.
    Chips manf is like everyone else uses.
    I get us bros support. Support usa ordering back doors in usa products. Nothing would ever go wrong right??? Last part sarcasm.

    Lastly this story is getting posted every week now due to brain rot user keep click it.

  12. That’s why I have all Fortinet at home. That being said, I’m an IT guy *and* I have the money to spend on Fortigate/FortiWIFI hardware.

  13. Ok-Fox1262 on

    To be fair I do have one, but it’s really old and runs Linux now.

  14. SlightlyAngyKitty on

    “Can’t have those pesky Chinese stealing our citizens data, not when we’re already stealing it for ourselves.”

  15. Whoreinstrabbe on

    Considering, lol, yeah until a few senators squash it because they own stock in the Chinese company.

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