1 Jahr Analyse von Verbrechen gegen Kinder

    Von PDubsinTF-NEW


    1. UX_Strategist on

      This data echoes some past studies and reinforces the generalizations formed by many of the most publicized crimes against children. However, those on the political right, and those that are strongly religious (not necessarily faithful), believe the complete opposite of what is shown in this data. The populations’ rejection of truth and facts is expected to continue, and perhaps worsen.

    2. corpusapostata on

      So when Republicans clutch their pearls and say “think of the children!” They’re not thinking about children the same way most people are.

    3. Tiny-Sugar-8317 on

      1. When “other” is your biggest category it’s not a very good dataset to try and draw meaningful conclusions.

      2. The problem with any crime data is that the vast majority of crimes are never reported and the vast majority of reported crimes are never solved. Crime statistics can say just as much about who reports crimes and which crimes are prioritized for investigation as it can about the actual underlying crime rate which is unknowable in basically every instance other than murder.

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